Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Cat Walk

A little back story........we have this cat named Nemo. Nemo used to live at the ranch and the students would take him into their cabins and feed him and sleep with him. They were told that if they didn't stop that the kitty would be destroyed. So a few girls brought him to my class and asked me to take him home. Well being the softee that I am I decided I would take him home to live with our other "mouser" cats. The students named him Nemo, because they said he Ne Mo food. So that is how we ended up with Nemo kitty. Boney Chick calls him her "feel better kitty" because I brought him home when she was recovering from her accident.
Back to the original story. Boney Chick, The Caboose and I decided to go for a walk the other night, we each took a dog. We started out and after we had gotten about a block away we noticed Nemo was following us. We walked quite aways, around the block and up the canyon for aways and each time we looked back, there was Nemo following about 3 yards behind. He went on the entire walk with us. He is such a funny kitty!!!