The weekend was fairly uneventful. Saturday I went to the Taste of Home Cooking and Trade show with a friend. We enjoyed the day, but we were disappointed with the trade show, not very many vendors. But we did get to do the girly thing and have our toes done by one of the vendors, it's an interesting experience, getting gel toes in a big event center with people walking all around.
I turned in my cookies for the contest, there were quite a few entries, I think about 80, so I wasn't expecting to win or anything. They announced the winner during the Cooking School. Not only didn't I win, but I lost to a 12 year old who made Oreo cookies with a cake mix!! Ugggh, I have that recipe! I was under the impression that you had to make up your own recipe. Now I don't mind losing mind you, but a 12 year old with a cake mix????? Crazy! Anyhow I hope she enjoys her trip for two to the Grand Canyon! :)
We leave in 2 days for our Moab river trip, it should be fun! I just hope the weather is nice and no storms.....I'm not sure what they do if it storms. We've decided to just buy our groceries and food in Moab at the grocery store, I think it will be handier and easier than trying to haul food and keep it cold. We are staying in tents, so thank goodness for my blow up mattress!
The weather is definately starting to change, it's much cooler in the mornings and the sun is different, fall is pretty much here, I'm going to miss summer!
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
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