Thursday, October 9, 2008

FaLL ForAy

We had a nice visit from my mom in law and sweet cousin Stacia. They stopped by and stayed a night with us. On Sunday we decided to go up to Fish Lake after church to see the fall leaves before they were all gone. It was so beautiful. We walked down to the lake and had a good time skipping rocks. John Wayne and Superman were the rock skipping champs, they could skip 5or 6 times, I was lucky if my rock didn't hit me in the back of the head. John Wayne and The Caboose crossed the stream and The Caboose saw a fish and was able to catch it with his hands, he was so excited and just after he put it back we came across this sign: We took a lot of pictures of the mountain, I'm glad we got them because it is supposed to snow this weekend, which will end the fall leaves.

Stacia wanted some leaves to take home to press, so The Caboose decided he would get some for her. He's a basketball star in the making.......Look at that slam dunk!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

SliPPErs that clean house????

I'm always joking about how I wish I could teach my dogs to clean house while I'm gone to work. I keep thinking I should design some kind of little shoes that would sweep the floor as they walk, or train them to scrub the bathroom, or at least just pick up a little. Is that really too much to ask??? The other day I was shopping at Walmart and I saw these fancy little slippers hanging by the cleaning supplies, well, Low and behold, they are made to sweep your floor as you walk. They are made for humans, not dogs, but , hey, I'll take what I can get. So I purchased them and now they are my new favorite thing to wear around the house, no matter what I am doing I am also sweeping the floor. I think it gives me good exercise too because I like to take long broad steps as I go, kind of like ice skating :). What will they think of next!!!!