I've decided that 3 day weekends are perfect!! It seems I can get so much more done, and still have fun! Too bad that I cant have them every week.
We ended up not camping this weekend, we were busy and it was chilly. Saturday I was able to get alot of cleaning and organizing done, it felt really good to do that. I got both freezers organized, which was really needed, and now I can see what I have. It felt like a really productive day.
Sunday at church a couple in our ward gave talks. I loved the one talk that the woman gave, it was on being kind and not judging. She used examples of looking at things from different perspectives. The first one was a situation where a woman ended up having to go somewhere late at night, as she was driving down the road, she saw some teenagers walking and laughing etc, she thought in her head "I can't believe that parents aren't taking more reponsibility for their children, and they are running the streets at night", the next situation was Teenagers in the ward had been up late studying scriptures for something (I can't remember what) and when it was time to go home, the boys decided they better walk the girls home because it was late, on the way they were laughing and talking and a lady in a vehicle came barreling past and they thought "wow! we'd better stay off the sidewalk"......There were more situations and they were so good to think about things from different perspectives. It reminds me of the time when The Jane Fonda Chick and Westing House were little, and they were in elementary school. I used to iron Westing house's jeans and put creases down the front (back when I was a uptight stay at home mom). Westing House's teacher said to The Jane Fonda Chick one day "who puts the creases in your brothers pants"....well when Jane Fonda got home, the story that she told me was that Westing House's teacher said that Westing House's pants were wrinkled. Imagine my dismay, after all the time I spent ironing!! I was so upset! It just shows that your perspective can change the way you feel about someone.
After church John Wayne and I went on an elderberry expidition, we hit the jackpot!! We found so many bushes full of berries! We filled bags and bags, and then had to figure out how to fit them on the 4-wheeler!! Well my lap and arms were full!! And now, I have to clean them.....what was I thinking!!!! So my fingers are permastained!! Well I need to find alot more Elderberry recipes!!
Yesterday, John Wayne and I went and cut a load of wood. It was fun? (well it was hard work) We got a pretty good load. I'm a whimp and have to load the small stuff, but it was nice to use the new truck and it worked really well. I'm a little sore today, but not too bad. I need to go out with him more often, it is a good workout.
I made a cassarole called "Red Neck Cassarole" LOL.this weekend and it turned out really good! Wylee even liked it so....ding, ding, ding, It's a winner! And it's fast and easy Yay for me.
It is Pork and Beans on the bottom, cut up hotdogs next, and then Tator Tots...followed by grated cheese, easy and yummy!
Tonight it's Elderberry cooking, and cleaning, it is going to take me days to stem and clean them!!!
My Stepbud sent some pictures of The Caboose riding a GoKart while we were visiting them in Washington. We went to Derek's brothers house for a barbecue and there is a big backyard/field where they ride the GoKart, The Caboose had a ball. I wish I could figure out how to get the pictures somewhere besides the top of the post!!
Hi Rhonda...great job with the blog, can't wait to read more! I don't think I've ever had elderberries. Are they like salmonberries?
Thanks Mel!! Elderberries look like small blueberries, and I think they taste like a tart rasberry...I don't know what a salmonberry is? LOL
OK, I guess I have never eaten one! Salmonberries are, well, salmon colored, and are shaped like raspberries. They're also known by other names, like Cloudberries. They grown in the Pacific Northwest and far north...maybe not in your neck of the woods, now that I think about it.
You'll have to post your recipe if you come up with a good one!
I love your blog Rhon. Freeze me some elderberries or maybe I should just come down and help wash them. I love elderberry pie Grandma R use to make it mum mum good warm and alamode.
I need a copy of your family pics what say you. I copied off the one from Lagoon but just on paper so a real bonified picture would be great.
I have a blog too but have done very little with it in fact so little that I can't remember how to put anything on so I have to have Hope's help, leave it to the 12 year old to tell me how. I didn't know you could make it into a book so will need to be better at it since I am horrible at writing in a journal. My blog is pembimom if you ever want to visit.
Tell everyone hi.
sly Nel
I had never heard of Salmonberries ,but I looked them up and they look good.
I made up three different Elderberry cookies recipes last night, as soon as I tweak it just right, I will post it. I make muffins with a Blueberry muffin recipe and just substitute the Elderberries and it is really good.
What do you make out of the salmonberries, do you sub them for rasberries? They look good, my favorite pie is called "Fruits of the Forest" and it is rasberries, apples, blueberries, and rhubarb I think. I am going to try to make it myself.
Have a good one!
Love ya
Thanks for the comments! I would LOVE LOVE It if you would come help me wash Elderberries, we got a little carried away, and I'm afraid they are going to go bad before we get them all stemmed and cleaned, but I have plenty frozen for you!! So next time we are together count on it!!
I will try to get the pic copied for you.
This Blogging is fun, once you get the hang of it, I went to your Blog and left a comment, so now you need to get going on it! We can have cool books made and it will be fun!!
Love ya tonz
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