Thursday, May 21, 2009

ThE CAboOse tUrnS 11

I can't believe the Caboose is 11. We call him our little Cinco de Mayo baby because he was born on May 5th. When I was pregnant with him our favorite restaurant was a local mexican place. We ended up going there everytime I had a OB appointment. He was due on May 6th and was born on May 5th. We always say it was all the Mexican food. To this day he still loves hot salsa

Caboose was so lucky, he had so many people to celebrate with him this year. We decided to go up to the zoo. Three cousins came along and The caboose's sisters, brother, brother in law and Abuela. Before we went to the zoo we all went out to eat at the Mayan. The Mayan is a mexican place where they have a big pool in the middle of the restaurant and divers entertain you while you eat. It is really cool. The place is decorated like you are in a cave straight out of Indiana Jones. The divers were great and really kept the boys entertained.


Cousins at the zoo.

The caboose and boney chick.
We had a great time at the zoo! The 4 boys had a ball and really had fun bonding and visiting the animals.
Thanks for a great birthday Caboose..............but could you please quit growing up now? :(